Thursday, July 3, 2008

Another week

I have been fighting a horrible cold this week. I haven't been doing too badly on my food intake, other than I am not very hungry and haven't been eating much. Nothing illegal, just not really enough legal stuff to let me lose much. I am still at 150 today. I am not upset by that because before I started back to this way of eating, I was gaining and struggling to stay at or below 155.

I am off today and doing things around the house, including grocery shopping.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: 3 egg omlette with red and yellow peppers
snack: plan on having celery if i need it
Lunch: big salad with peppers and bacon bits
Dinner is scheduled to be roast beef (it is in the crock pot now) with cauliflower/garlic mash

Water as usual.

No great inspiring thoughts this week, just trying to live through work and my cold.

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