Thursday, July 10, 2008


I made it to 148.

I am bored with my diet/eating habits. I guess this is the life changing part. Food is supposed to be for nutrition/health, not entertainment. Hard thing for me to grasp because of my families strong Italian ties to food/heritage. Food was what you did when:

someone was born, or died, or was sick, or was visiting, or getting married, or when everyone was home together.

you bake a big dinner, everyone eats together. it's about the fellowship.

I am struggling with "fellowship" around grilled chicken breasts and broccoli, but we are surviving.

I am off for three days in a row, which is pretty much unheard of, so I am going to try and add walking into my days to see if it helps the loss.

Some of my clothes fit better, which is nice. I feel good, and have more energy, but I just wish it would come off and stay off and I could be done with it.

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