Tuesday, July 8, 2008

finally under 150

Today I weighed in at 149.

I suppose in this process of weight loss, that measly little pound that took almost an entire week to shed itself from my body, is not something to be celebrated; but for me it means I am under 150. And psychologically, under 150 is where I just always want to be. I feel better when I am there for some odd reason. It motivates me to continue forward without all my favorite things in life, like soy mocha's and such.

Today I work a late shift (1pm-10pm), so my plan looks like this:

breakfast: eggs, bacon and coffee (black)
lunch: large salad with cukes and ranch
dinner: grilled chicken breast with leaf lettuce and a slice of tomato

no snacks, unless i eat a dill pickle before work. lots of water at work, and sugar free vanilla iced coffee.

Here's to getting to 145....

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